
Upcoming Events

29 Mar 2015

Upcoming events

To reserve a place for any PNBA event please email:


21 April 2015

The 17th Annual Peter Taylor Memorial Address

“The Professions: Power, Privilege and Legal Liability”, delivered by Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Jackson, Hon. President of the PNBA.

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm, Inner Temple Hall

The lecture will be accredited for 1 1/2 hours CPD

Followed by a champagne reception.


1 June 2015

“Falling into a Black Hole” 

Identifying claimants and loss in assignment, securitisation and syndication cases.

Moderator: The Hon. Mr Justice Newey

Speakers: Tom Grant QC, Mark Cannon QC, Tom Leech QC

Parliament Chamber, Inner Temple

The lecture will be accredited for 1 1/2 hours CPD


1-5 September 2015

AIJA Annual Congress

The Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) will hold its Annual Congress in London from 1-5 September 2015. The Congress may be of interest to PNBA members. We have been asked to pass on the following information:

The Annual Congress offers an excellent opportunity for private practice lawyers and in-house counsel from around the world to gather for seminars on hot topics across the whole range of legal practice areas, to network and exchange business, to socialize and to discuss issues of importance to the profession.  It is a very popular event, usually attended by some 700 lawyers.  It has a strong history in continental Europe and in the last few years has developed a significant following amongst junior partners in City law firms. The AIJA is for lawyers under 45 years old.

For more information, visit or contact Ned Beale at Trowers & Hamlins: