Strike out and Summary Judgment Applications: their use and abuse


December 3, 2020    
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

The jurisdiction to strike out or seek summary judgment is a vital part of a litigant’s armoury, whether they are a claimant or a defendant. It is one which has seen substantial development in recent years. In this seminar on Thursday 3rd December 2020 we consider aspects of the jurisdiction of particular interest to professional negligence practitioners

We are delighted to welcome Lady Justice Carr, the PNBA’s former chair, to chair the seminar

Robert-Jan Temmink QC of Quadrant Chambers will speak on striking out claims tainted by or founded on dishonesty and the Arrow v Blackledge jurisdiction

Ivor Collett of Crown Office Chambers will speak on the procedural upsides and downsides to applications for summary judgment/strike out both by claimants and defendants

Thomas Grant QC of Maitland Chambers will speak on striking out claims as abuses of the process under the Henderson v Henderson jurisdiction

Members should email to book their place
