
Professional Liability Seminar March 2022


March 23, 2022    
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

“The Mental Element of Accessory Liability in Equity”

The seminar will be held from 5.30pm to 7pm on Wednesday 23rd March. We are delighted to announce that the speakers will be Professor Paul Davies and William Flenley QC. It will be an online event. The seminar will be introduced by Simon Howarth.

This event will focus, first, on what currently has to be proved in order to establish dishonest assistance in breach of trust, including a comparison with knowing receipt.  It will then consider whether the law is in a satisfactory state, by comparison with other kinds of accessory liability.

It will include the perspectives of both a practitioner, William Flenley QC,  who appeared in the recent leading case on this subject, Group Seven, and an academic, Professor Paul Davies of UCL and Essex Court Chambers, who has written a book on Accessory Liability and a recent article on the subject of this talk.

Members can book their places now by emailing the administration.

There will be a second Professional Liability Seminar on “Collateral Attack and Abuse of Process” which will be held on Wednesday 4th May at the same time, and again online. The speakers will be Nicola Rushton QC and Amanda Savage QC  and members can book their place today by emailing the administration.